A Florida Licensed Private Investigative Agency; Number: A1300210

(305) 600-5924
Genealogical Research & People-Finder
Choice Trust International has assisted estate attorneys, trust officers, executors, and judges responsible for probate research and missing heir/beneficiary searches.
We offer a dynamic menu of services based on the depth of needs. Our research can provide you with detailed information dating back as far as you need to go. We will supply you with copies of all necessary birth, marriage and death certificates, but also include in a diagram showing our findings.
Searches include specific individuals or "classes" of individuals, or groups of people (related or unrelated) and offers any required legal documentation and supplementary information, when available, to prove and establish the identities of these individuals or related family members alive or deceased.
When identifying heirs for an estate or trust, the laws require that the heirs are located in order of blood relation. This is especially pertinent for situations of Intestacy, For Notice, or Trust Under Will.
Does the decedent have living relative? The search may be expanded to relatives one generation back.
Including the decedent’s parents, decedent’s siblings (whole or half blood) and their relatives (nieces and nephews, great nieces and nephews, etc), grandparents and their descendants (the decedent’s aunts and uncles, first cousins, etc, of the whole or half blood). Because distribution laws typically provide for Maternal and Paternal heirs, this search usually involves two (2) concurrent searches - for the Maternal and Paternal grandparents of the decedent. We can also fine-tune the scope of the search to just the Maternal or Paternal heirs no matter how far back it is necessary to research.
Searches encompass identifying, documenting and locating heirs in North America; tracing missing beneficiaries and unknown heirs anywhere in Europe; locating miscellaneous records.
We incorporate exhibits gathered during the investigation, such as birth, marriage and death certificates; military, obituaries; census, or immigration records, as many as needed and discovered into our Report or Affidavit, along with a genealogical chart of the decedent's families.
We also conduct searches to find heirs on behalf of guardians, public administrators, executors and administrators of estates, private fiduciaries, conservators, and trustees.